When your home is less than 100 feet from the property line and hazardous vegetation on an adjacent parcel poses a potential fire hazard to your home, the responsible person on the neighboring parcel where the fire hazard exists shall remove the fire hazard 100 feet from your home.

The requirement is enforceable by the El Dorado Hills Fire Department.

Serrano homes adjacent to the following neighboring parcels may require hazardous vegetation removal beyond their property line:

  • Natural open space wildlands

  • Golf course fairways

  • Bass Lake Park

  • Green Spring Ranch

While homeowners cannot enter neighboring parcels to remove hazardous vegetation, they may request a Fire Department inspection here

"Hazardous Vegetation shall mean any combustible vegetation that endangers public safety by creating a Fire Hazard. Hazardous Vegetation includes material that, in its natural state, will readily ignite, burn, and transmit fire from native or landscape plants to any Structure or other vegetation. Hazardous Vegetation includes, but is not limited to, dry grass and leaves, brush, weeds, green waste, dead or dying trees, low-hanging branches, litter, or other flammable vegetation that create a Fire Hazard." (County Ordinance 5186)

Hazardous Vegetation

The Fire Department requires that all hazardous vegetation be removed from unimproved parcels over one acre to provide defensible space within 100 feet of structures on neighboring parcels.

  • Remove or cut to a maximum height of two (2) inches of dry grass and other weeds.

  • Remove tree limbs within six (6) feet of the ground that permit fire to spread into the canopy and promote ember distribution.

  • Remove all downed trees, branches, or woody debris smaller than eight (8) inches in diameter.

  • Remove debris piles that contain combustible material that can easily support fire ignition and spread.

Unimproved Parcels